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2017 ALUCA TurksLegal Scholarship winner announced

  • Scholarships
  • Published 17.10.2017

Jennifer Jackson, Rehabilitation Consultant, CommInsure, has been awarded this year’s prestigious ALUCA TurksLegal Scholarship for her outstanding essay on genetic testing. In her thoughtful and well researched paper, Jennifer highlighted the strengths and weaknesses of the Australian life insurance industry’s current approach to this issue, how other comparable countries are choosing to handle this issue and provided well researched recommendations on how we as an industry should respond.

Jennifer wins an overseas conference package valued up to AU$8,000 including return travel, accommodation, $1,000 cash and registration to one of the following conferences of Jennifer’s choice:

  • 2018 Eastern Claims Conference in Boston, USA
  • 2018 LOMA Life Insurance Conference in Florida, USA
  • 2018 Supplemental Health and Protection Forum in San Diego, USA

In addition to the major prize, Jennifer will:

  • Be invited to sit on the judging panel for next year’s Scholarship; and
  • Receive automatic membership to ALUCA and TurksLegal’s scholarship alumni program, Life Insurance Future Thinking (LIFT)

“The judges felt Jennifer's paper on the life industry’s approach to genetic testing was concise, well researched and well argued. It looked at the data concerning the increasing availability of genetic testing and analysed the strengths and weaknesses in the current approach of the local life industry to genetic test results, comparing it to several overseas models. Ultimately, Jennifer galvanised readers with a thoughtful argument for change and reform" said John Myatt, Lead Partner of TurksLegal’s Financial Services practice and member of the scholarship’s judging panel for the last eleven years.    

"In short, Jennifer ticked all of the boxes the judges look for in a winning paper; mastery of the subject through research, coupled with well-reasoned forward thinking conclusions that give the industry cause to reflect more deeply and take the issue forward productively.”

The 1st runner-up was, Carola Moore, Claims L&D Manager, AMP for her paper on Getting the Capabilities Right. Carola wins an AU$1,000 Visa pre-paid gift card. The 2nd runner-up was Amanda Cruikshank, Rehabilitation Consultant, AIA for her paper on Bringing the Benefits of the Return to Work Philosophy to Superannuation. Amanda wins a AU$250 restaurant voucher.

“ALUCA are very proud to be part of the TurksLegal Scholarship which has seen a high quality standard of papers again this year”, said Devi Uka, Deputy Chairperson of ALUCA and member of the scholarship’s judging panel. “It is really encouraging to see the incredible talent within the Life insurance industry that shone through in the papers submitted and the insights that they all provided.”

The Scholarship winners were announced at the ALUCA Professional Development Day held in Sydney on 17 October 2017.

The 2018 ALUCA TurksLegal Scholarship will open in July 2018.