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2021 ALUCA Turks Scholarship winner announced

  • Scholarships
  • Published 14.10.2021

Alan Tealby, Claims Consultant, MLC Life Insurance, has been awarded this year’s prestigious ALUCA Turks Scholarship for his outstanding paper examining how Artificial intelligence can be properly harnessed to improve customer experiences in both claims and underwriting cycles.

Alan wins an overseas conference package valued at up to $8,000 including return travel, accommodation, $1,000 cash and registration to one of the following conferences in the USA of Alan’s choice:

  • 2022 Eastern Claims Conference
  • 2022 Life Insurance Conference
  • 2022 Supplemental Health, DI & LTC Conference

If international travel restrictions are still in place when Alan’s chosen conference is scheduled, the prize may be awarded as cash.

In addition to the major prize, Alan will:

  • Be invited to sit on the judging panel for next year’s Scholarship;
  • Receive automatic membership to ALUCA and Turks’ scholarship alumni program, Life Insurance Future Thinking (LIFT); and
  • Present his winning paper at the December 2021 Turks ‘Life Matters’ webinar.

“With so many of us locked down for so long, the temptation to just stay in one’s lane has never been greater. That is why we were delighted to receive such a high number of quality papers for the 2021 Scholarship and again reinforces to us how many difference makers we have in the life insurance industry. As always, the judges had a hard time splitting the papers but in the end, one stood out as best distilling all the qualities we look for in the winning paper. That paper, on Artificial intelligence in claims and underwriting was by Alan Tealby, Claims Consultant, MLC Life Insurance”, said Alph Edwards, Partner and Practice Head of Turks’ Life Insurance, Superannuation & Advice group and member of the scholarship’s judging panel.

The 1st runner-up is, Troy Williams, Corporate Counsel, TAL Life for his paper on ‘Offset Clauses’. Troy wins a $1,000 Visa pre-paid gift card. The 2nd runner-up is Alicia Gibbs, Wellness and Rehabilitation Manager, Zurich for her paper on Artificial intelligence in claims and underwriting. Alicia receives a $250 restaurant voucher.

“Turks has once again provided members with the opportunity to demonstrate their written skills as part of the ALUCA Turks Scholarship. I was blown away with the quality of responses which demonstrated the sophistication and advanced problem solving within our industry. As always it is a pleasure to be a part of the judging panel and as part of ALUCA we look forward to continuing our strong relationship with Turks”, said Mark Raberger, Chair of ALUCA and Head of Health, MetLife and member of the scholarship’s judging panel.

The Scholarship winners were announced at the ALUCA Connect Lite webinar held on Thursday, 14 October 2021.

The 2022 ALUCA Turks Scholarship will open in July 2022.