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What's happening here and now? December 2019

  • Newsletter Article
  • Published 06.12.2019

TurksLegal and ALUCA Mental Health and Life Insurance Panel discussion

We had a full house at our recent TurksLegal and ALUCA panel discussion on Mental Health and Life Insurance. We heard from a panel of experts; Geoff Atkins, Principal, Finity; Nick Kirwan, Policy Manager - Life Insurance, FSC; Glenn Baird, Head of Mental Health, TAL; Carly Van Den Akker, Head of Life & Health Solutions, Swiss Re; and Margo Lydon, CEO, SuperFriend, discussing ways that we can make a real difference to mental health and life insurance today and into the future. The key issues and solutions discussed in the session are detailed in the 2019 Whitepaper presentation available here.

2019 ALUCA TurksLegal Scholarship winner's paper

Cy Lindeberg, Health Support Consultant, BT Financial Group, was awarded this year’s prestigious ALUCA TurksLegal Scholarship for her paper on ‘The Role of Rehab Advisors in Improving Customer Outcomes’. In her well researched and compelling paper, Cy enlightened us to the many ways Rehab advisors operating in the life claims space can be difference makers for the better in terms of the customer experience. You can read Cy's paper here.

Life Matters Seminar - November – ASIC Report 633 on TPD

In our final Life Matters Seminar for the year Partners Alph Edwards, Darryl Pereira, Sofia Papachristos and Peter Murray unpacked R633 for our client audiences in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane. A summary of the key findings can be found later in this LSB.

Our Life Matters Seminar series will return in March 2020.