Compensation Claims (NSW)

Our team provides general claims advice, onsite sessional advice and acts for employers and their insurers in litigated matters in the Personal Injury Commission.

We recognise that claims must be properly managed adopting a strategic approach from the outset. We work closely with our clients to achieve optimal outcomes in each matter and to reduce the incidence of similar claims occurring in the future, which benefits employers and their workers.

Our lawyers have extensive experience advising on all aspects of workers compensation claims and disputes. We appreciate the need to be responsive and to make soundly based decisions on claims rather than simply running the litigation.

We have the resources available to conduct claims management projects to identify trends and develop strategies to minimise the impact and occurrence of compensation claims. We also have specialist expertise to manage complex claims, including claims for psychological injury, fatalities, industrial deafness and chemical sensitivity. Our experience and timely advice combined with a proactive approach to claims management produces successful outcomes for our clients.