Employers Liability Newsletter - April 2019

  • Newsletter
  • Published 18.04.2019

Recent Legislative Developments

There are no recent legislative changes.

Recent Decisions

Lack of diagnosis not a bar to a finding of consequential injury
Arquero v Shannons Anti Corrosion Engineers Pty Ltd [2019] NSWWCCPD 3 (29 January 2019)

Reinstatement of injured workers
Hibbard v Lithgow City Council [2019] NSWIRComm 1020 per Commissioner Sloan

Performance Appraisal for s11A Defence
Dinning v Westpac Banking Corporation [2019] NSWWCC 49

Challenging the delegate’s decision on grounds for appeal from AMS determination
Case 1: Wentworth Community Housing Limited v Brennan [2019] NSWSC 152 Harrison AsJ 27 February 2019
Case 2: Ballas v Department of Education (State of NSW) [2019] NSWSC 234 Wright J 8 March 2019