Note from the Editor - July 2020
- Newsletter Article
- Published 15.07.2020

Welcome to the 2nd edition of this year’s Life Insurance Bulletin.
Everyone I trust is now a Zoom warrior and working remotely, well, it seems like we have been doing it all our lives.
Speaking of which, our Life Matters series is now in webinar format and the winter session returns on Thursday 16 July. My business partners, Sofia Papachristos and Peter Murray have prepared a great presentation on LICOP, past, present and future which is not to be missed. If you would like to register, please email our Marketing team who will organise your registration.
Also, the ALUCA Turks Scholarship is returning bigger than ever for 2020 with a late July launch date. I urge all of you eligible to enter to consider entering. Like the Melbourne Cup, the Scholarship is a great leveller noting that you don’t need an MBA or to be a senior ‘techie’ to win it. Rather, you just need a passion for life insurance and making a difference, oh and a free weekend (or if you are really fast, a free night) between July and September to write the entry. Our past winners have all gone on to do wonderful things in life insurance so don’t delay, seize the day! Details on how to enter and the application form will be available on the Turks and ALUCA websites from late July. Stand by.
Turning to this quarter’s edition, we have a nice little preview of Sofia and Peter’s session on the LICOP as well as reviews of recent cases which as ever, are impactful on life and superannuation business. We also have a summary of Covid related legislative changes to the witnessing and execution of documents which we trust you will find helpful.
As always please reach out to your favourite Turks life expert if you have any questions about what we have written about or indeed anything about life insurance. We #lovelife!
Finally, I would just like to note the retirement from the Turks partnership of John Myatt. John is a well-known life figure having practiced in Life Insurance and Financial Services since the mid-1980s. He is also of course the former practice head of our Life Insurance, Superannuation and Advice group and has been a significant figure in the development of this practice. John will be moving on to other challenges (no doubt involving a lot of sailing!) and he goes with our best wishes and fond memories.