
Turks has acted for insurers of personal lines, commercial, fleet and heavy vehicle motor insurance for over 25 years.

Our experience in motor claims has shown us that:

  • early involvement of legal advice in motor matters leads to better outcomes for insurers.
  • understanding the cost versus the claim costs upfront drives lower legal cost on average.
  • working closely with our client at the outset of these claims achieves a significant number of benefits.

Personal lines motor insurance requires experience dealing with individual insureds that are particularly sensitive to the insurer’s response. Turks has extensive experience acting for a broad range of personal lines motor insurers; from those with a large market presence to more boutique products aimed at ‘high-net-worth’ individuals. We understand the insureds and the different approaches required to these different sectors of the market.

We understand commercial, fleet and heavy vehicle motor insurance and the risks involved with coverage issues for both the insured’s business and our clients’ business. We offer credible and capable expertise and work closely with our clients to provide the security that is vital to relationships with our clients’ commercial lines insureds and intermediaries. We understand that commercial lines and heavy vehicle losses often involve a test of the relationships between an insurer and its insureds and intermediaries and our experience helps us navigate those tests for our clients.