Employers Liability Newsletter - August 2024

  • Newsletter
  • Published 15.08.2024

Legislative Update

The ‘Scheme Modernisation’ Changes to Victoria’s Workers Compensation Laws - will they have the desired impact?

Recent Decisions

NSW District Court clarifies the disputes that the Personal Injury Commission can determine when a party resides in a different State
Ramsay v Southern NSW Local Health District; Manning v Sydney Trains; Honey v Robert Sheridan Family Trust; Duncan v Department of Education and Magnan v Upper Shire Council (NSWDC 2024)

Employer’s vicarious liability for the actions of its employees confirmed
DAC Finance (NSW/QLD) Pty Ltd v Cox (NSWCA 2024)

The importance of a ‘claim’ prior to an assessment of impairment in the Personal Injury Commission
Secretary, Department of Communities & Justice v Cannell (NSWPICPD 2024)