Life Insurance Bulletin - October 2020
- Newsletter
- Published 19.10.2020

Sustainability in Disability Insurance - Actuaries’ Taskforce lays bare the challenges ahead…
NSWSC confirms s29(2) Avoidance – Court rejects suggestion illicit drug use is akin to drinking alcohol
Catriona Smith v OnePath Life Limited (NSWSC 2020)
FCA confirms indemnity costs only ordered in cases where proceedings end by agreement if ‘losing’ party’s case was hopeless
Molnar v Good Mood Food Pty Ltd (FCA 2020)
NSWSC confirms insurers must consider all TPD evidence
Long v IS Industry Fund Pty Ltd (NSWSC 2020)
Reinsurance: Court rejects request for group insurance takeover material
RGA Reinsurance Company of Australia Ltd v Westpac Life Insurance Services Ltd (NSWSC 2020)
AFCA finds trauma event arises when it occurs, not when diagnosed
AFCA Determination 674068
NSWSC finds settlement not binding where no executed Deed of Release
MX v FSS Trustee Corporation (NSWSC 2020)
Court dismisses request for discovery of comparable insurance applications in non – disclosure case
Longbottom v Nulis Nominees (Australia) Ltd (WASC 2020)